From Zero Brand Presence to Heavy Footfall in 8 months

Spectra Plus is a one-stop solution for all Hearing, Speech, Voice, and Vertigo related problems for all ages. It has multiple Centres in Delhi-NCR and Aligarh. Hearing Aids business is a highly competitive space, especially in the large metros, and Spectra Plus was a startup launched in Q1 of 2021 with negligible business when Aaroh was roped in by the promoters.

Aaroh is working with Spectra Plus to create its online presence and use multiple channels for promotional activities to increase footfall in the diagnostic centers. In less than 1 year, a new diagnostic chain with no prior online presence or brand recognition has established itself as the premier ENT Diagnostic Health Care chain in Delhi NCR for patients of all ages from newborns, children, adults, to senior citizens.

CMO on Demand: Brand Strategy and Brand Messaging

  • Develop key messages and story
  • Develop a brand strategy to create consistent communication across all platforms
  • Google and Social Media Strategy to target patients continuously
  • Content curation in multiple languages (English, Hindi)

Services on Demand: Brand Development

  • Developed the website including content and functionality
  • Local Listing Optimizations
  • Short videos to engage and connect with the patients – taking the state-of-the-art infrastructure to the patients
  • Improved searchability on google and social media to establish a cohesive and consistent online presence in a very competitive hearing aids space
  • Carried out successful ads campaign on platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube


  • The successful promotional campaign led to increasing in footfall. Started with 30-40 leads per month @ Rs 400 ($ 5.4) per lead. Today multiple campaigns bring in over 250-300 leads per month @ Rs 45 ($ 0.62) per lead within the same budget.
  • Built an online presence from scratch to establish Spectra Plus as a leading ENT Diagnostic Centre
  • Established Spectra Plus as a brand in the hearing aids space
  • Increased acceptability with doctors
  • Established Spectra Plus as a leading solution provider of Hearing, Speech, Voice, and Vertigo related needs all under one roof.

Aaroh is a leading global consulting firm providing SMEs a broad range of services to redefine their approach to their business operations. We enable SMEs to derive scale using the growth triad of Marketing, Technology and Finance.

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